Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Check out this small article about my garden and blog in the (Oklahoma City) Gazette!

This means I need to start updating more frequently again. :) I'll sit down and do a full post tonight!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away...

It has been insanely rainy for the past week or so, totally preventing me from being able to harden off my last remaining seedlings. I will have to take pictures of some of my plants when it calms down, however, because some of them are just HUGE!!!!

I do have something pretty exciting coming up this weekend, though: A SEED EXCHANGE AT the Deluxe Indie Craft Bazaar!

Free Admission
May 9, 2009 12-6
in Oklahoma City
at the State Fairgrounds Centennial Building

We'll be exchanging seeds and seedlings at 4pm (envelopes and envelope supplies will be provided), and I'll probably talk about gardening and try to answer people's questions. So bring your extra seeds and seedlings and join us!