Sunday, January 27, 2008

Better Than Disney Land!

As it was a lovely afternoon, off to Lowe's we went!

~Cheap wood to build the frame of our little square foot garden.
~Electrical conduit piping to serve as the outer frame of our trellis.
~A windowsill peat pellet tray for strawberry seedlings. (I just couldn't resist its compact convenience! I'll reuse it until its only possible purpose is to take up room in the recycling bin.)
~6 foot tall bamboo sticks to help support the brandywine tomato plants.

My current plan for the tomato supports is to use both my short wire tomato cages and to create a sort of bamboo tripod around it to accommodate the extra height and weight. Chad has serious doubts about the strength of the relatively thin bamboo, but I think it'll work OK if we keep the plants down to just two or three major central vines.

If this weather keeps up, I may start digging into the garden this week.

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