Saturday, March 22, 2008

My, I'm Fried....

I am just pooped.

Today, Chad and I went to two greenhouses in search of plants for the front flower bed. That bed is primarily Chad's project, so I followed and assisted as he picked out $70 worth of beautiful perennials. They look a bit dwarfed now that we've put them in the bed, but they're going to be amazing once they fill out. There's still space to put in annuals for this year, which we'll do since it takes plants a little time to really establish themselves and start to flourish in that clay-heavy soil. But if all of the plants we put in today last until next year, we should end up with a full bed.

Chad's soaking in the tub and I've just finished potting a strawberry plant as a gift to be given at a birthday party tonight. I must confess that I am terrible at gift follow through.... I still have gifts half-made on my sewing machine from Christmas. However, I happen to know that this friend has gotten very into veggie gardening this year. I found the most attractive Alexandria Strawberry plant in the seedling tray and potted it in a wee terracotta pot (big enough to hold about a cup full of soil) and tied a pretty burgundy ribbon around it. Wallah! A perfect gift for any gardener.

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